

 Moonstone is found in India , Sri Lanka, Burma, Madagaskar, Australia and the USA.

 Moonstone belongs to the family of Feldspar. It is associated with the Goddess Diana and its energy is strongest at the full moon. Charge it by placing it outside on a full moon night.

Being so closely tied to the moon as the moon waxes and wanes it will influence our hormonal balance and will teach us about the natural cycles of life.

It will help us access our Shakti energy and help in our quest to unite it with our Shiva energy  -an ideal stone for those practising Kundalini Yoga

 It is  connected with the  Sahasraha Chakra  It raises our vibration and helps to calm the “monkey”mind and thus will aid us in meditation.

 It has been used since earlist times in Jewelry In India it has always been esteemed as a gift to be given at a maarriage  and the Europeans believed it would reconcile estranged lovers. By all cultures it has been used as protection for travelers especially those traveling at night.

 Physically it will help women concieve a child and indeed helps with all “female” problems It helps the digestive systmn and liver and will help us absorb vitamins and minerals in our food. Sensitive people can wear this stone as a talisman to protect them from outside influences.