Privacy statement

Here we explain our privacy practices and the use of cookies in our shop. Your privacy is important to us. We respect your privacy when you visit our website and deliver our services. The webshop focuses on selling Indian fair trade gifts. We will use your data to be able to provide these services.
The website uses the SEOshop platform, called a SAAS platform (Software As A Service). The completion of your order, where you enter your personal information takes place via a secure connection.

Purpose of the data
We  ensure that the personal information you give us will be treated with care. Processing of personal data is done in accordance with the Wet Bescherming Persoonsgegevens (Data Protection Act).

Your personal data will be processed by us for the supply of products from our webshop and related services. We use your information to fulfill your order as smoothly as possible. If you sign up for our newsletter, we will only use your data for the purpose of sending this newsletter. You can always easily unsubscribe from the newsletter via a link.

If you fill in a contact or registration form on the website, or send us an e-mail, then the data you send us are saved no longer than necessary to handle it correctly.

We make your information available only to third parties that are involved in processing your order, for example, to deliver your order. Furthermore, we do not provide your information to third parties unless we are legally obliged to do so.

Cookies and your shopping cart
On our website we use cookies to allow full use of the online store. A cookie is a small file that is stored on the hard drive of your computer. Cookies are placed only if necessary to order products. Thus, by means of Cookies it is possible to track how many items are in your shopping cart. These temporary cookies (session cookies) are used for the duration of one session or visit online. Temporary cookies have a limited useful life and expire when you complete your order.

You can set your browser to notify you when cookies are placed beforehand. Our website will also ask you for confirmation before  activating cookies. If you do not wish to accept cookies, you will only have limited access to the web shop. Please note that the contents of your shopping cart is stored in a cookie. Shopping without cookies is not possible for technical reasons!

Social media plug-ins
On this website you will find near each product the social media buttons for Facebook and Google+. You can click to recommend our products via the appropriate social media channels. The buttons are marked with the logo of the social network. Once you have pressed the social media button, you will be prompted to log into the social network. Or you get access to this information directly, if you previously had already been logged in. Via your browser then information about your visit to the web page is sent directly to the social network and stored there. For specific information about the processing of data and instructions on setting options to protect your privacy on these networks, please see the privacy policies of Facebook ( and Google (

Web statistics
In order to monitor the quality of the website, we keep statistical information on the access to different web pages. We make use of the Google Analytics service. Google Analytics uses mainly direct (first-party) cookies to report on user interactions on the website. These cookies are used to store non-personally identifiable information. This means that the data are anonymous and can not be linked to your identity.

Google Analytics using IP addresses for delivering services, but does not share the actual IP address information to customers of the service. Google may  transfer this information to third parties if this is required by law, or to parties processing on behalf of Google.

Please refer to Google's privacy policy for specific information on the handling of personal data in relation to the service Google Analytics.

We reserve the right to make interim changes to this privacy statement.

Third party websites
This privacy statement does not apply to third party websites that can be visited via links on this website.